Maramataka posters

Maramataka resources

Ministry of Education

The Maramataka resources were developed for online and print use to teach ākonga about the Maramataka through their education journey. HUIA has the privilege of working with Maramataka experts such as Rangi Matamua. By having access to a wealth of knowledge in this area, we were able to create a comprehensive set of resources for our ākonga that have an authentic Māori voice but also a verified scientific value.

Type of work

  • Content development
  • Waiata creation
  • Design and creative solutions
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Image development (icons)


  • Maramataka poster
  • Maramataka cards
  • Pao and waiata
  • Maramataka video
  • Reading, writing and listening activities
  • Teacher support materials 
Maramataka resources

The resources are designed to support kaiako, ākonga and whānau to make the transition from a solar calendar to a lunar calendar. This is achieved by a full-scale suite of resources that gives an entry into this transition based on the audiences’ preferences.

Each activity was designed to support learning through different pathways, such as reading, writing, listening and movement.

Maramataka resources
Maramataka resources

The key resources include a maramataka poster to be used in kura over time to enable ākonga to track each day of the maramataka, pao and waiata to help embed the names for ākonga and learn ways to identify and celebrate each mata, and a video that explains in a simple way the shape of each mata and why they change. This has been supplemented by a wellbeing journal to give students a practical tool to not only embed the details of the maramtaka but to practise the values and observations integral to appreciating the maramataka.

Maramataka resources
Maramataka resources

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