This book follows on from Rēhua in the fantasy/science fiction series about four teens who are growing up on the new planet, Rēhua, settled by their grandparents after earth was destroyed by ecological disasters and war.
The Māori language used is very accessible for the Māori medium audience. The story includes themes around environmental and social responsibility, and it is ideal as a whole class or individual text. For those wishing to study Katerina Mataira's writing further, the genesis of this story was in her first science fiction book, Ātea, illustrated by Para Machitt.
Further analysis and comparison of these works makes for an interesting study of the development of the Māori language and the fantasy/science fiction genre in te reo Māori.
‘Titiro Te Aomānia!’ Ko Tamatea tērā me tana tohu i tana ringa ki mua. ‘Titiro ki te paerangi! He whenua pea tērā!’
‘Āe, Tamatea, kei te kite atu au. Me te aha? Ki taku mōhio kei te rere pērā a Pohokura.’
Rongo pai a Te Aomānia ki te hopohopo o Tamatea engari i huna taua tama i tana mataku i roto i te kī ohorere, ‘E hika! Kua kahakina tāua e Pohokura! Te Aomānia, kua kahakina tāua!’
Hei whai i a Rēhua anei te pakimaero ātea tuarua i tēnei kohinga pukapuka nā Katerina Te Heikōkō Mataira. E hāngai ana te pukapuka nei ki ētahi rangatahi Māori e tipu ana ki tētahi ao hou kua nohia e ō rātou tupuna matua.
He mārama te reo Māori, a kei konei hoki ētahi whakaaro mō te taiao me te hononga o te tangata ki tōna ao. Hei pānui a karaehe, hei pānui takitahi rānei.
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