Te Tautoko 75: Mā te Pouako – He aratohu mō te whakaako rautaki pānui

These teachers notes aim to assist teachers within the Māori medium sector when they use the journal Te Tautoko 75. It provides a variety of reading strategies, lesson sequence ideas and learning tools where reading comprehension is a key aim of the learning and teaching. Pūtaiao and Tikanga-ā-iwi are two of the learning areas in Te Tautoko 75, with a focus on economics and business.

Ko te whāinga o ngā aratohu nei he āwhina i ngā pouako ki roto i ngā kura rumaki reo Māori, ina whakamahi ana rātou i te pukapuka Te Tautoko 75.

Kei te pukapuka nei ētahi rautaki pānui, whakaaro raupapa akoranga, me ngā taputapu ako mō te aroā pānui mēnā koia te whāinga matua o te ako.

E rua ngā wāhanga ako ka arohia i roto i te Te Tautoko 75, ko Pūtaiao me Tikanga-ā-iwi, ā, ko te te ohaoha me te pakihi ngā aronga.


Teacher support materials

Year Level


Publication Year




